The Open Researcher and Contributor ID, ORCiD for short, is an internationally recognised and unique identifier for researchers. The ORCiD is a digital name that is independent of the institution and not limited in time.
What are the advantages of an ORCiD?
- Unique identification of your person and thus assignment to your own research results, institutions and awards,
- no more confusion in the case of similar or ambiguous names,
- Research results are easier to find, especially by search engines,
- ORCiD should be used when communicating with publishers, funding institutuions and research societies; this saves time and effort and ensures unambiguous attribution,
- the ORCiD is retained even if the institutional affiliation changes,
- the ORCiD is free of charge,
- you keep control over presentation and use of your data,
- the ORCiD profile can be used as a hub for the distribution of publications and other data, as many services can query data there.
What does an ORCiD look like?
- The ORCiD is a web address plus a 16-digit number, the following example shows the ORCiD of a fictional person, the link leads to the ORCiD profile of this person:
How do I get an ORCiD?
- On the website ORCiD.org you can get your ORCiD for free and set up your profile.
- All questions about the ORCiD are answered on this information website.
- An expert opinion commissioned by the DFG on data protection issues with ORCiD can be found here (only german).
What can I do with my ORCiD?
- Include your ORCiD in publications, lectures, on websites, in third-party funding applications, etc. state your ORCiD.
- You can enter the ORCiD in the Research Information System (FIS) of the UHH and import information from your ORCiD profile. In order to be able to transfer data from the FIS to ORCiD, institutional membership of the UHH in the ORCiD-DE consortium is necessary, which is currently in preparation.
- If an ORCiD is registered in the FIS, it is displayed in the FIS portal.
- In the Research Data Repository (FDR) of the UHH, you can enter the ORCiD for your name, and a link to the ORCiD profile will be displayed.
- In the website system FIONA, there is a special field for entering the ORCiD in the templates for personal websites.
- ORCiD can also be used in the DFG's elan proposal portal.